Sugar Glider

Petaurus breviceps

The little marsupial, has a membrane extending from the outside of the front limb to the ankle of the hind foot that allows it to fly.

Estatuto de conservação

  • Não avaliado
  • Dados insuficientes
  • LC
    Pouco preocupante
  • NT
    Quase ameaçado
  • VU
  • EN
    Em perigo
  • CR
    Criticamente em perigo
  • EW
    Extinto na natureza
  • EX

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    15 a 20 cm
    120g a 150g
    9 years
    Leaves, nectar, and sometimes small invertebrates
    Tropical and Temperate Forests
    1 to 2 cubs

    The Sugar Glider is an arboreal marsupial. It has a membrane between its front and hind legs, called a patagium. This membrane allows the animal to glide when moving between trees, achieving greater distances with greater precision. Its fur is mostly gray and white on the belly. It has a dark ring around the eyes and a black band in the middle of them. Its tail is almost as long as its body.

    As a nocturnal animal, Sugar Gliders have excellent vision in the dark. They rarely come down to the ground, as they find shelter and food in the trees. They are very social and live in small groups with up to 7 adults and their young. It is common to find them all sleeping together, keeping them warm.

    They nest in tree cavities, which can be occupied by up to 10 adults. Females have one to two offspring per gestation, which remain with her until 10 months.

    Its other characteristics, such as being small with big eyes and gliding, have made it world-famous as a pet. However, being a wild animal, it is not a good domestic animal as it requires very specific conditions. Although the population in the wild is stable, the increase in their commercialization is seen as a threatening factor for the species.

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