Eurasian Lynx

Lynx lynx

Contrary to popular belief, European lynx do not climb trees and wait to pounce on prey. These magnificent cats only climb trees to escape danger. However, they are capable of catching prey 3 to 4 times their size.

Estatuto de conservação

  • Não avaliado
  • Dados insuficientes
  • LC
    Pouco preocupante
  • NT
    Quase ameaçado
  • VU
  • EN
    Em perigo
  • CR
    Criticamente em perigo
  • EW
    Extinto na natureza
  • EX

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    0,8 - 1,30m
    17 years
    1 - 5 cubs

    The Eurasian Lynx is the largest of all Lynx species.
    Its appearance is very characteristic, having a robust body, long legs and wide legs, a round head with a short neck, triangular ears, and a small tail with a black tip. Their feet are protected by thick fur to keep them warm while walking on the cold ground and to prevent them from burying themselves in the snow.

    Lynxes are shy and lonely, except for the relationship between the parent and her offspring. They mark their territories by urinating on trees or rocks, through feces or glandular secretions.
    Eurasian Lynxes are excellent hunters and spend a large part of their time in search of prey. Since they can only run quickly for short distances, Eurasian Lynxes need to surprise their prey. To do this, they stay close to the ground, attacking unexpectedly from a short distance.

    Eurasian Lynx populations are stable in the wild, however, the concern is increasing. In Europe, the main challenges are conflicts with hunters, loss and fragmentation of habitat for the development of industries. In Jura Mountains, human-related deaths (traffic accidents, poaching) accounted for 70% of known losses. Another concern is the low genetic diversity in some of the populations.
    In Asia, the main threats are fragmentation and habitat loss (use for livestock, infrastructure development, resource extraction and logging activities) and poaching (such as retaliation for livestock depredation or the fur trade).

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