Domestic Rabbit

Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus

Domestic Rabbits communicate with each other by odorous signals and touch, and they tap their hind legs on the ground as a warning sign of danger.

Estatuto de conservação

  • Não avaliado
  • Dados insuficientes
  • LC
    Pouco preocupante
  • NT
    Quase ameaçado
  • VU
  • EN
    Em perigo
  • CR
    Criticamente em perigo
  • EW
    Extinto na natureza
  • EX

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    30 to 40cm
    1,2 to 2kg
    9 years
    Grasses, cereals and fruits

    The color of the coat of the Domestic Rabbit can vary, however it is usually gray with reddish stripes. The ends of their ears are black and the upper part of the tail is dark brown, while the lower part is white.
    The fur of this animal is very dense and fluffy.

    It has a gestation period of 28 to 33 days and usually has 4 to 8 young. It can have litters every 8 weeks.

    Domestic rabbits, as they like to dig, prefer areas with dense vegetation and that allow them to hide among the plants or in holes.

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